Overcoming Procrastination: Your Path to Productivity

Procrastination is Not Laziness  Procrastination isn't just a lack of motivation; it's a form of self-sabotage. Why do we delay tasks that could lead us to our goals and desired feelings? As humans, we gravitate toward comfort and familiarity, even if it means steering away from our objectives. We prefer predictability, which can lead us to clean the house or bake a cake instead of making that crucial call or completing an essential assignment. Procrastination offers a sense of control; it allows us to predict failure or shrink ourselves to fit into perceived expectations. Top Tips to Combat Procrastination [...]

April 14th, 2024|Blog|

Vaping and the facts you need to know

If you have thought about trying to quit smoking, you are not alone.  Almost 7 out of 10 smokers say that want to stop.  Quitting smoking is one of the biggest things you can do for your health. You may have turned to vaping, as this is being marketed as the gateway to quitting. Today I am going to talk to you about the facts you need to know about vaping. 1. Vaping is safer than smoking but it is still unsafe. E-Cigarettes heat nicotine (extracted from tobacco) flavourings and other chemicals to create an aerosol that you inhale.  While [...]

January 21st, 2021|Blog|

The Definition of a Resolution – “A firm decision to do or not to do something”

January 1st comes around every year. Bringing with it the same opportunity to turn your life around. However, it can be riddled with psychological traps that work against you. I am going to let you off the hook here and tell you a secret... Keeping to a goal has little to do with willpower!  Yep, you read that right! Willpower can be depleted as it is not an effective strategy overall. In both my personal and professional opinion, willpower is weak when it comes to your goals and making them permanent. Why? Because we humans love familiarity, Good or bad! [...]

December 27th, 2020|Blog|

Body talk – why you need to listen to your pain

We react to events and experiences in different ways, physically, emotionally and psychologically without knowing what’s happening to us, or why? I see clients with physical allergic reactions caused by an inappropriate diet. I get emails from parents whose children’s seemingly ‘irrational’ fears are threatening to overwhelm their emotional development. I talk to ‘binge eaters’, whose problems stem from an abusive relationship. The list goes on and on… I recently treated a client who needed a massage on her aching neck every few weeks. She recognised that her neck pain was worse when she was feeling overwhelmed at work. I [...]

August 27th, 2020|Blog|

Covid-19 Update

In the event of a lockdown or testing positive for COVID-19 the remaining session(s) will still go ahead online via zoom or any other online platform suitable to both parties. This is to ensure consistency & beneficial results for the client. (With discretion) For your safety & wellness please see the following COVID-19 updates from June 2020:- I am currently taking bookings for appointments for treatments and consultations. All the recommended guidelines and recommendations will be adhered to during your appointment. If you are an existing FOOT HEALTH client you will know that I wear a mask, disposable apron and [...]

June 19th, 2020|Blog|

Calm your kids with massage using essential oils

Here is a very basic video on how to calm your kids with massage and essential oils. If you would like to know more about essential oils I also have written a blog about this. Also during COVID-19 I am still offering HYPNOTHERAPY ONLINE so please do get in touch for more information or about essential oils which are also available to purchase.

April 2nd, 2020|Blog|

Reflexology – how your feet reveal how healthy you are!

What is reflexology? Reflexology is the ancient practice of massaging a person’s feet. The feet are a microcosm of the body. All the organs, glands and body parts are represented by reflexes in similar arrangement on the feet and follow a logical, anatomical pattern which closely resembles that of the body itself. When I look at a person’s feet, I visualise the corresponding body parts and organs. You will see from the map above what I mean! The principles of reflexology Reflexology is a gentle art, fascinating ancient science and an effective form of therapeutic foot massage. Gentle pressure is [...]

April 2nd, 2020|Blog|

Your guide to essential oils

Most products on our supermarket shelves, from food to cleaning materials, pharmaceuticals and cosmetics contain essential oils. Essential oils can be inhaled, or added to bathing water. Combined with a carrier or base oil, they become sufficiently dilute to be applied directly to the skin, such as with massage. In this form, essential oils can be useful in soothing skin problems and to ease muscular aches and pains. These are just a couple of the practical uses of essential oils, so what are they and how do they work? What are essential oils? Essential oils are organic compounds extracted from [...]

April 2nd, 2020|Blog|

How to make hypnotherapy work for you

As soon as you mention anything that starts with the word Hypno, people typically think about comical stage acts! So, if that’s not what it’s remotely about, which it isn’t, what actually is hypnotherapy? A hypnotherapist uses clinical hypnosis as a form of therapeutic treatment. Clinical hypnosis is a tool used as therapy – it’s not funny, but it is very, very, clever. How does a typical Carrie Swain hypnotherapy session work? Every client and every session are different, but typically we’ll start by having a chat, just like a consultation you may have with your GP. I’ll ask you [...]

March 1st, 2020|Blog|

Drop A Dress Size In 2024 with Carrie!

I’m a qualified hypnotherapist specialising in helping women to take control of their own health, happiness and wellbeing. If you’re serious about not only dropping a dress size but staying that size until next Christmas and the one after that, I can help you!

December 20th, 2019|Blog|